Rows are an important exercise to strengthen and develop the upper and mid back, improve shoulder and head posture and to make you an all around awesome person; however, many people do them entirely wrong and in turn, make themselves much less awesome. It is essential to get proper motion through the scap and glenohumeral joint along with proper positioning of the thoracic spine. The low and mid traps, rhomboids, lats and posterior delts should all work together to accomplish the job (with a little assistance from a few other players but for now we won’t confuse you) Mid and low trap are often not engaged as much as they should be. Today, our awesome intern and great up and coming coach, Brittney Wilinski, shows you how to properly perform a row and common mistakes that are made. She even puts in a nice tongue twister for added entertrainment 🙂 See if you can catch what I did with that last word and then try saying glenohumeral 5 times fast. Enjoy!